Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Child Prodigy - Kieron Williamson

Kieron Williamson is merely ten years old, but he paints like Claude Monet. He was discovered as a child prodigy when he was only six years old. 

In 2009, he had an exhibition where all 16 of his paintings sold out in only 14 minutes. In 2010, he held another exhibition and all of his paintings sold in thirty minutes.

He is known for his water color paintings, but has worked with other types of mediums as well.

This piece above was made with oil pastels. It's crazy to think that the person who drew this is just a kid, but his attention to detail is amazing. I love the colors in this and how the landscape in the background reflects into the water. 
It's interesting to see the texture from the brush strokes throughout the sky and hill on the right side of the painting. But it's equally as interesting to see how smooth his brush strokes were in the water to show how calm the water was. 

See more of his work here

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