Monday, March 11, 2013

Claude Monet

Claude Monet was a French painter in the late 1800's and early 1900's. He actually created a style of art: French impressionist painting. Monet is known for painting a multitude of landscapes. Here are just a few of his paintings below!

This piece above almost looks like a photograph when you look at it from a distance. The road that starts on the left of the painting draws the viewer's eye across the painting. 

I noticed that a lot of Monet's work is unique because of the different brush strokes he uses. In the photo above of the sail boat, he used a lot of short and thick brush strokes, especially in the sky and water. 

I chose to add this piece because of it's simplicity. I love the way he used a gradient of colors to make the sky and how he reflected those colors into the water. 

See more of Monet's work on his website!

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