Monday, March 11, 2013


Bokeh is the aesthetic quality of the out-of-focus areas--so the blur--of a photo. Bokeh happens in the part of the image that is out of the depth of field. The way the blur in a photo looks is different in each photo, but the amount of blur has to do with the aperture settings and the lens.
My favorite style of bokeh is whenever the out-of-focus part of the photo creates little circles of color.  
It's more likely to happen whenever the background is far away from the subject, as well as whenever light is being filtered through something such as sunlight shining through leaves in a tree.

 It's also easier to get bokeh to happen in a photo whenever the lens allows the camera to have a smaller aperture, so using a 50mm lens would make this easier.
Though I don't have a 50mm lens, my 18-55mm allowed me to get the circular shaped bokeh in these four images above!
See more great examples of bokeh photography here!

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