Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Di Fruscia

Di Fruscia is a fine art nature and landscape photographer. He was raised in the Canadian countryside. His father was a professional photographer and his mother had gifted artistic talents.

I feel like a lot of his work features water and the way the sky and other objects reflect off of it. In this photo above, the water is almost an unrealistic color. 

I really love the ripples in the water in this photo above. I love the way the light reflects off of it in just a perfect way to give the waves of the water a rounder feel. The way Di Fruscia composed this photo is interesting because the water starts at the bottom right corner and leads you throughout the left side of it and into the background. My eyes weren't fixated to just one part of the image, but were guided throughout it thanks to the water. 

I think the most interesting thing about this photo is how he used the rule of thirds to compose it. The big rock is centered in the very middle of the photo both vertically and horizontally. The water, the clouds, and the landscape in the background are all showing parallelism horizontally throughout the photo. I really love how he showed the moon in this one too. 

In this last photo, I love the texture in the sky and how the colors reflect off of both the clouds and the water throughout the photo. My eyes are drawn to the yellows and oranges and expand outward across the photos towards the blues and purples like rays. 

See more of his work at: http://www.difrusciaphotography.com/index.php

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