Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Charlie Waite

Charlie Waite is one of the world's most popular landscape photographers. His work has been known to be very calm with a serenity feel. Charlie Waite's work has been shared world-wide.

An article in Royal West of England Academy Art Magazine noted that "Waite's landscapes are rare perfections of light, color and composition, and offer the viewer a luxuriant portrait of a planet at peace."

I really love these top three photos because of the way they have a focal point in the middle. The trees are all parallel and leading towards the central point. 


For the four photos above, I love the way the skies all look. They are so dreamy and interesting with color, form, and texture from the clouds. Each of the photos have something eye catching in the foreground or middle ground such as the boat, the rocks, or the trees. They also have a fine horizon line  in the distant background. 

See more of his work at: http://www.charliewaite.com/home

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