Saturday, August 23, 2014

National Geographic

For whatever reason, I have always loved the pictures National Geographic posts. Maybe it's because I love photography, or because I love traveling, or maybe it's because they are just down right amazing a lot of the time. I think it would be amazing to not only be able to see all of the unique places they go to but to be able to photograph and share those experiences with those who may not be able to do so themselves.

Here are just a few of the photos I've seen that were great!

Photo: A cracked lake bed in the Mojave Desert
Picture of children playing in the water of Tukad Unda Dam in Bali
Photo: Lightning strike over the city of Scottsdale
Picture of a funnel cloud over a cornfield in Minnesota
Picture of a girl riding a carousel in Wales
Photo: A herd of elephants in Kenya
Photo: An autumn vista
Photo: Health worker holding a child, India

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